Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Why Did Both Occupants of Kurt Cobain's Home Fly Out of Seattle Just Prior to the Discovery of His Body?

It's no small matter that both occupants of Kurt Cobain's Seattle home took flights out of Seattle in the days immediately prior to the discovery of his body.

According to the police report, Michael “Cali” Dewitt, a live-in nanny who was also a drug addict at the time, was transported by taxi from the Cobain home to the airport on Thursday, April 7, the day prior to the discovery of Mr. Cobain's body, whereupon Dewitt flew to Los Angeles. Jessica Hopper, the other occupant, was Dewitt's girlfriend who was visiting him while on vacation from a Minneapolis school; according to Charles Cross, Hopper was transported from the Cobain home to the airport on Wednesday, April 6, whereupon she flew back to Minneapolis.

The April 6 date of Hopper's departure is supported by multiple statements given by Hopper to Everett True, wherein, by way of example, Hopper states that she departed “midweek” and that she was present when Eric Erlandson arrived at the estate from Los Angeles, which is reported by Cross to have been on Tuesday, April 5.

Dewitt and Hopper appear to be the only individuals residing at the Cobain estate at the time.

As is widely known, Mr. Cobain's body would be discovered on the morning of April 8 in the greenhouse, which was located just next to the main residence that Dewitt and Hopper had been occupying. No legible fingerprints were discovered on the shotgun discharged into Mr. Cobain and, among numerous other questions of evidence, the results of his toxicology revealed a triple-lethal dose of heroin, suggesting he was incapacitated prior to discharge of the firearm. The official date of Mr. Cobain's death is listed as April 5.

Both of the aforementioned departures appear to have been abrupt and, in the case of Jessica Hopper, extremely emotionally charged – Hopper asserts that she was so distressed that she vomited in the driveway while departing the estate and that “I was sick for two days when I got back because I was such a mess.” The level of this distress is echoed in a recent and highly emotional audio clip wherein Hopper is questioned about her experiences while at the Cobain home at the time.

Both Dewitt and Hopper appear to have been befriended by Mr. Cobain's widow, Courtney Love, when they were minors; Dewitt asserts that Love took him “under her wing” approximately four years prior to Mr. Cobain's death, when he was sixteen; Hopper indicates that Love befriended her approximately two years prior to Mr. Cobain's passing, when she was either fifteen or sixteen. Ms. Love has a history of violence and manipulation and engaged in a number of suspicious behaviors near the time of her husband's death, including misrepresenting her identity in a Missing Persons Report filed with the Seattle Police Department.

According to Rosemary Carroll, Ms. Love's and Mr. Cobain's attorney at the time, Mr. Cobain was in the process of divorcing Ms. Love and removing her from his unfinished will near the time of his death. A prenuptial agreement was also in place.

Norm Stamper, The former Chief of the Seattle Police Department at the time of Mr. Cobain's passing, has recently stated that he would reopen the Cobain case if he were chief again and that the behavioral patterns of those with a motive to see Mr. Cobain dead should have been studied.

Notably, additional statements by Hopper to Everett True bearing on the date of her departure from the decedent's home are strangely contradictory in nature, with Hopper twice unmistakably indicating that she left the Cobain home for Minneapolis on the same day she and Dewitt observed Mr. Cobain in Dewitt's bedroom, which was on Saturday morning, April 2. As indicated above, however, this April 2 date of departure is an impossibility given Hopper's various other assertions to True. Why is Hopper offering obviously contradictory accounts bearing on the date of her departure from the decedent's home?

Given the high volume of troubling evidentiary concerns relating to Mr. Cobain's death, Dewitt's and Hopper's departures are highly relevant and need to be probed in depth by authorities. It's worthwhile here to keep in mind that Dewitt and Hopper chose not to merely depart the Seattle residence of Mr. Cobain, but chose to leave the state of Washington altogether.


  1. Very well worded.. The logic behind your post should have been used in the94 "investigation".. Thank you for taking the time to present this

  2. You have to wonder why she was so distressed. What did she see or know to distress her so bad, she left before the body was found

    1. Absolutely. Your questions are right on the money.

    2. She called her dad: ‘I cant tell you the situation but its really bad. And I have to get out of here! I need $600 for a plane ticket the next day.’ On april 2 according to everett true

  3. Well said and i didnt know any of that makes even more questions id she was that distressed she knew something or knew about his body in the green house

  4. She saw the body lying on the floor and do nothing. She escape because she was too affraid of the whole thing surrounding this death. When your on heroin, you don't need more shit than you got. She knew it will be the end after this. So she run away like a poor junkie.

    1. Jennifer hopper never drank or took drugs, but she definitely witnessed Kurt dead. Whether she was involved, I doubt it.

  5. Not to mention right after Kurt's death, Courtney claiming to give Cali 60k "to go to rehab on the east coast" as if that's not suspicious at all!

  6. My personal standing theory: Kurt overdosed somewhere, possibly a dealers/friends house- and his body was dropped off at his house where Cali n his gf were at the time- they didn't know what to do, so as instructed by Courtney, made Kurts Overdose look like a suicide- I think Cali n his girl left because they knew the body was there and after x amount of days of it still not being discovered, decided to leave, in a state of panic and shock because they were staying at the house where they knew Kurt's remains where. They could not stand being there another day especially because Tom Grant was on the trail at that point, simply hired to find the remains but sent on a goose chase to make it look official. The goose chase he was sent on was orchestrated by Love- she wanted to make it look good. Love's own drug use and confusion through all this had a communication breakdown with Dylan Carlson who was simply a guide to do her bidding as far as where to take Grant... I think Dylan was fkd up and misunderstood instructions to eventually take Grant to green house where he knew the remains were. Dylan either misunderstood her or just could not bring himself to show Grant the location of Kurts remains. Dylan was Kurts friend- but Love sold everybody that was loyal to her that this was the best route to go- because either way Kurt was dead- but this route would lead to the best end game result of financial success with album sales and Nirvana/Hole money.

    Other people hired by Courtney, set up the fake suicide, these other people are unknown, but hired 3rd parties were called in by Courtney to set it up like a suicide.

    This is just my own theory as to what may have happened...

    Twitter Handle: @garrett3sum

    1. I don't know if you're doing it consciously or not but you're doing Courtney's bidding with that post. She's been quietly but steadily trying to push that story and another similar to it for years. I'm pretty sure she even tried to spin that web on Dylan Carlson.

      Kurt Cobain was the most famous junkie in the world, there was absolutely NO POINT in doing what you described. All the advantages Courtney gained (record sales, pity, money etc), would have been gained no different had the headline been "Kurt Cobain Dies Of Overdose At 27." There is not one more ounce of financial incentive to be gained by dragging his body up the stairs to the greenhouse and shooting his corpse in the head. You think they wanted to protect the dealers? Ha! Courtney had Det. Antonio Terry on speed dial to bust dealers and Seattle PD was given Caitlin Moore's name, dealer status and address.

      Remember, (if you're not actually Courtney or one of her shit sheep) a glaring point people miss is Kurt's toxicology report showed that besides the MASSIVE, MASSIVE amount of heroin in his system (and this at LEAST 3 days after he died no less, more likely 4 or 5 days) that Kurt had Diazepam in his system, a benzo. Remember also that his credit card had been cancelled and his bank account frozen, by Courtney, since late Friday April 1st when he left Exodus or early Saturday at the latest. How was he paying for this "superstar heroin addict with an all time tolerance suicidal dope binge" so many people like you say he was on in the last days of his life?

      Sometime during the night of April 3rd/4th Kurt was most likely unwittingly incapacitated by Diazepam, probably in his root beer. Once incapacitated he was shot up twice, one in each arm, with what was a fatal dose of heroin. He was then shot in the head through the mouth and set up to look like a suicide.

      Why shoot him? Because Courtney and Cali thought they had killed Kurt in Rome back in March. When they called the ambulance after 6am, over 2 hours after "noticing" Kurt was incapacitated, it was because they were certain he was already dead (there are many situations where a body can APPEAR dead, unresponsive and not breathing but actually still be albiet in a very slight, hard to notice way). When they found out Kurt was ALIVE and then revived, they were shocked. This is the most likely reason he was also shot in the head, to make SURE he was dead this time.

      It had nothing to do with Courtney thinking this was "the best route to go." Want someone to blame for Kurt's death and what happened in Rome? Courtney Love, Cali Thornhill Dewitt.

    2. that sounds about right, but according to American Spy Fox, who saw some of the coroner's report, Kurt had a big gash on his leg, and had some kind of mutation to his genitals. I think someone beat the shit out of him, shot him somewhere else, and then took him to the greenhouse to fake the suicide. the record company has what is called a "death clause" where the person is more valiable (sp) dead because they can still cash in on any merchandise, songs, or likeness that he has. The record company made alot of money off his death, well, they all did..

    3. Anything coming from ASF, needs to be taken with a grain of salt. The gash on the leg, and mutilated genitals, allegedly shown on the King County Coroner's Report, were both, later to be proven as untrue.

  7. But why kill a man twice? What would the difference be if they had just found him dead of an overdose, no gunshot wound?

    1. It sounds like an overkill.
      Maybe it was just to make sure that he'll actually dies..
      After all he must've had pretty high tolerance towards heroin, and ofc people dealing with him knew that.
      When od'ing with Rohypnol in Rome, he went to a coma but still didn't die yet (probably against the odds/expectations?).
      Maybe he was shot just to make sure that the scene would instantly look like a scene of suicide - not only to whoever would find him, also to the public.
      Everyone fan and people who knew Kurt even slightly, most likely had seen the picture where he's holding a shotgun in his mouth.
      Then Courtney kind of confirming, ranting about how suicidal he was... Etc.

    2. Courtney has also expressed on the record about Rome how she thought he was dead and how surprised she was that he lived. They wanted to make sure he did not survive this time.

    3. Why kill him twice.....well, bc if it were just an overdose, it would have automatically had to have been treated as a homicide, that was the law for Washington State. The ongoing narrative of suicidal ness, plus everything else, a shotgun added could support that theory, and bc the coroner was known to CL, he could make that early determination w/o resistance, Det. Terry mention, also helps seal the deal.

    4. Overdoses were routinely not even investigated, never mind treated as a homicide. Or if they were, they were given as much, and probably a lot less, investigative attention. To wit, the SPD later said they investigated the case as a homicide, according to good police practice a la Vernon Geberth's handbook. But at the precise same time, they were writing in "suicide" as the cause of death on their official documentation, the very same day, before interviews and ballistics, crime scene analysis and toxicology tests were done, and before the autopsy was complete. Another example of the treatment by the SPD of heroin overdose victims is Kristen Pfaff. The SPD claimed then that they didn't investigate such deaths. Whether it was due to the volume of overdose deaths plaguing Seattle at the time or some other reason, they clearly didn't perform due diligence in either case. Monumental cock-ups.

    5. I believe Rome was when they first tried to murder him. But he woke up. His memory was affected by the roofies but it was starting to come back. After Rome he starts working on his will, writing Courtney out of it and starts talling about divorce. Now they have to finish the job quickly. They OD him but after the botched Rome attempt they want to make sure he's gone.

  8. The shotgun was necessary to make sure there was no immediate publicity about a murder. The public was told it was a suicide eventhough the autopsy was not concluded for months.

    There were at least 4 people staying at the house while Kurt was still alive. Rene Navarette, Cali Dewitt, Jennifer Adamson and Jessica Hopper. I think there was a housekeeper in and out and a dope dealer.

    Jessica Hopper took off for Minniapolis via Chicago when Kurt was still alive...www. Kitty Radio,.com a website catering to girls who loved Courtney, reports she heard a tussle up stairs which means she was downstairs. I think she had a girlfriend with her because the 2005-2006 Kitty radio report uses the plural. Kurt was still alive or in a knocked out state, when she was shuttled off to the airport in a limo and puked in the driveway.

    I was at the house with Geraldo Rivera about a month later so I got a good look at the surroundings.

    Jennifer Adamson was also IN THE HOUSE when Kurt died. These two women are often confused by the media and the internet and I guess Fraser and the cops in Seattle. She is the one who took off on the 6th or 7th AFTER kurt died. Jessica Hopper probably didn't know Kurt was murdered but Jennifer did.

    Cali probably told both women a sad story of how Kurt OD. But Adamson had no place to go and no money. It was Hopper who took the red eye to Minneapolis. that's when I think they killed Kurt. So Hopper had vague knowledge but was not in on the plot. She says she wasn't doing heroin, but I think she was at least smoking it, like a good debutant groupie should. That's why she puked. That and the knowledge that something dire was going on. She claims she saw somebody in the greenhouse as she pulled away and thought it was Kurt.

    The shotgun wasn't used until the next day at least and that's why very little blood was found. Blood doesn't flow when it has coagulated. So here we are on Monday after Easter and Kurt has been dead for at least 24 hours, but not yet shot.

    I think Jennifer Adamson—McCauly Caulkin's half-sister (same dad) flew or drove to Oregon to stay with her Dad Chistoper"Kit" Caulkin and then (after a few months) drove or took a bus to Missoula Montana to be with her mother and her family. However Jennifer had an aunt in the Seattle area. Jennifer died six years later under suspicious circumstances and was buried with her mom in Hamilton County Montana at the Riverview Cemetery plot #9W. Jennifer died in May, her mom died in October 2000 (the same year) at age 53. Again odd.
    Even more bizarre is the fact that Jennifer was working as a night shift supervisor for the MDSC ( Missoula Developmental Services Corporation) a highly respected agency, and had been screened for drugs. She was found dead of an overdose in the kitchen of the South Hills Group Home for Disabled Adults, (not a half-way house) even though she had cleaned up her act at least six years earlier and was not on drugs of any kind, except the drugs that killed her. No drugs were found in her room or car. This facility was not a dope rehab facility but was, I stress, a house for mentally disabled adults.

    Rene Navarette disappeared but turns up again in LA working with Cali on some kind of food delivery service called the Scooby Wagon. Scooby is a slang term for dope, so it may have been a dope and food delivery service. Mysteriously Cali got a high paying job with Geffen records, doing almost nothing, and his girlfriend got a job working for Geffen at Geffen's museum, I think the concession stand, but not sure.

    Jessica Hopper visited Cali in LA at least once and stayed for a time, again not sure how long or how often. But she did continue the relationship a long time after Kurt died and after the HOLE scene shifted to LA.


    1. Do you know how/why of if Elizabeth Peyton played a role after Kurt left the rehab in LA??

    2. Do you know how Elizabeth Peyton played a role after Kurt left the rehab in LA??

    3. I've been researching the Cobain conspiracies for quite awhile now... coming across a handful of interesting tips and insider-information. This comment stands out from the rest. I implore you to please share any other details you have- it's beyond useful. Thank you.

    4. I read in Tom book that it was EP name/ phone (LA number) that Kurt left message about, for CL at the hotel (so he hadn't disappeared on her?). He tried to be put through to CL but had to leave message. Interesting EP career I think took off after Kurt's death. I think I read CL funded her first big exhibition (at the Sid/ nancy hotel in NY?), in 1994?. There is more recent video of her/ CL/ Chloe Sav' I think. I think TG thinks EP is relevant somehow, and Carnation...
      Other weird thing is why Kurt's car was outside Krist's house on 7th April with for sale sign, then appeared in Kurt's driveway the morning he was found... who put it there?? who had keys?
      Best wishes.

    5. It was a different car. He had a Valiant and a Dart he purchased just a few weeks before his death. The Dart was at Krists house. If you look closely at the photos of the house on April 8 the car there is the Valiant. They look very similar.

  9. I recently listened to Jessica Hopper's interview in Dublin and the way she reacted is not in line with just grief, it's in line with guilt. I lost two of my best friends to car accidents and years later I'm able to talk about it without getting visibly upset. The fact that the cops didn't interview ANY of the people who had been staying at the Cobain house is pretty ridiculous considering what a high profile case this was. I can only hope that the truth will be revealed some day while we're still all here to find out.

    1. The women who asked Hopper the question was a friend of mine. She said Hopper could turn those alligator tears off and on at will. Funny how Hopper is never mentioned in reference to the cobain other then the week of his death.

  10. The way I see it, Courtney Love is the real Catherine Tramell and Catherine Tramell is a psychopath. Similarities are amazing: San Francisco, the drugs, the killing of a rock star, the hiding, the arrogance, the sex ...

  11. i dunno how i fell down this rabbit hole, but i feel compelled to share this: as someone who hung out with and actually knew hopper in the years preceding kobain's death, i can say, unequivocally, that if hopper had found his body, she would have absolutely phoned the police...then 2 seconds later phoned the press. furthermore, she would have forever capitalized off her discovery, likely authoring a book entitled "I Found His Body: The Last Days of Kurt Kobain's Life Starring Jessica Hopper." without a single shred of doubt in my mind, i can comfortably sit here and assume that she had absolutely nothing to do with any cover up. she's just not capable of surreptitious behavior

    1. But she never speaks a word of inside information she knows, and leaves the state a day B4 his body is found? She needs to come clean so justice can be done for Kurt....his home town don't honer him because they think he was a suicide...anything hopper knows is better than this act...never say a word? You were there at that house now what the hell happened?

    2. More than likely that she would not because of her relationships with Cali and Courtney. And she probably had an inkling of what Courtney might have been capable of - or at least, what the people she paid were capable of. Cali got at least several tens of thousands of dollars and a lucrative job a deadbeat like him would never have otherwise gotten. And don't forget the fear factor. There's reasons to believe Jennifer Adamson and Bonnie Dillard were afraid. Some are still afraid to this day. As well, Hopper felt she owed Courtney some payback for the "mentoring" she received as a fledgling music journalist. You're a teeny-bopper music industry wannabe from Minneapolis, hanging out with Kurt Cobain in his home?! She wasn't the first teenager "Love" groomed and compromised. In fact, she was sleeping with one prominent other - her twenty year old boyfriend, who may have been involved in Kurt's murder. No, she would be highly unlikely to speak up, unless it was so off the record she'd never be discovered as an informant.

    3. Fear can really change what a person would normally do.

  12. I know the truth... im sorry -Cali-

  13. Hey, i always wondered is there something happened between Kurt and Kristen? I always been curious about that.

    1. Kristen P? Member of Hole? Supposedly/allegedly they were having an affair. She met her fate via an overdose shortly after he passed away. Some say the grief of losing him caused her to not care anymore.

    2. I definitely think that there should be more on investigation about this too, and that it's probably linked to Kurt's death.

      Kurt was leaving Courtney just before her big record would come out, wanted to take her off of his will, most likely had an affair with Harvey.
      Harvey was about to leave Hole just before their booked tour would start and most likely wasn't too happy of Kurt's death.
      They both died in shady circumstances within 2 months of each other, and there is somewhat similarities to these deaths.
      The biggest similarity I think is that both Kurt's and Harvey's autopsies was performed by Nikolas Hartshorne, who seems to be in pretty good terms with Courtney, I got the picture that they had been "friends" for a long time before these events occurred.

      But I'd say there most definitely was something between Kurt and Harvey.
      I've seen some video footage of Courtney saying how she was jealous and thought that Kurt and Kristen/Harvey had a thing going on.
      In one of the last interviews Kurt did, he talked about this book "Perfume" and how important piece of literature it was for him, he carried it around with him and I think "scentless apprentice" is based on this book.
      He had given Kristen a copy of this book he so valued and Courtney was mad about it.
      It tells something though..

      BUT where it really gets interesting is, Harvey was about to leave Hole, she had been sobered up and was about to move back to her home city (was it Missoula too, or Missouri) anyway, during the last night she stayed in Seattle, she apparently took lethal overdose and died in a bathroom of a motel she was staying in.
      The last thing she wrote to her diary just before that was "I know how to live - I'm gonna write it in my arm".
      That doesn't exactly sound suicidal...

    3. Harvey? Do you think Kristen Pfaff and PJ Harvey is the same person? Lol

    4. It wasn't a motel, it was her seattle apartment. She was leaving the next day and had brought a friend to help her move. He slept in the van outside to watch her stuff because Capitol Hill at that time had really high property crime (still not great, I live very near KP's apt). Friend went in to see her that night but she was in the bath with the door closed (apparently she used to sleep in the bath). Friend was in the van outside and saw Eric visit that night and leave 45 min later. Next day, KP was dead. The pages of her diary for the days Kurt was missing were pulled out. I believe Courtney was meant to have been there before the police showed up too, but I think that's on her word or Eric's.

  14. Bonnie Dillard was also at Kurt's house with Rene the week he was killed.

  15. that "highly emotional audio clip" of Jessica Hopper is no longer available on youtube...

    1. Unless this is it:

  16. where was dave i thnk dave knws mre than he is letting 0n

  17. Ghrol? I used to think that too but I've seen countless interviews with him and to this day he can't always bring himself to speak about it so you can tell it hurts him. Welcome to our rabbit hole btw

  18. Hey everyone. I am new to this thread. I hope people are still commenting on this. I have been following this case from a youth, I was a young teenager in 1992. Even then, before the internet (as we know it) there were immediately rumours of Cali DeWitt’s involvement in this. Anyway, great to see this community. Someone was asking for Jessica Hoppers highly emotionally clip. I would like to see the same one if someone has it. I believe she, Cali, Jennifer Adamson, Rene, and possibly others had involvement. Here is another JH clip. She was confronted by a journalist.

  19. If the clip you have is the one with the Irish journalist, "A Twist of Lemon", then that is the "emotional clip" in question. Hopper, as far as we know, was never questioned by police. But then, hardly anyone was!

  20. Yes Jessica mentioned that Kurt died for people's sins but not hers

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Where did she mention it? And who were the other people in the house - Rene and Bonnie? I never heard about them

  21. Great work on this Cobaincase. There are at least informed people on here. A lot of times you get people who dont really know all the available details that we all read up over and over again. To people like us it is way obvious something other than the official media CL approved narrative happened. Hopefully, one of the people in the know of the real truth will respect the Cobain family enough to set the record straight. It always blows my mind how the ones closest to Kurt still claim the suicide CL approved narrative. Such as Kurts sisters, Jack Osbourne went out with Kurts half sister from Kurts mom and stepdad. It was revealing how when Jack Osbourne and Kelly Osbourne were pro-Courtney just like Kurts mom and real sister. How did they all fall under Courtneys spell. If you listen to Tom Grants’ tapes it is obvious Courtney has guilt. Either her money (i meant Kurts money that she had inherited) bought everyone off or they are all scared of her, I guess…
